Please feel free to contact us at:

to the website of Black Lion Decals!
We started Black Lion Decals,
simply because we needed some decals,
and if you ever bought and built one
of those beautiful but expensive
resin models and wondered wherever they
had put the decalsheet, then
you know exactly what we're all about.
* Our aim is to bring decals for those models that lack them.
* Our favourites are the rare, weird and exotic ones.
* And here's the best thing: no matter the subject, no matter the scale;
you want that unique one-off decal for your model only, then we'll
and print it for you!
So, just come in, have a look
around and get in touch!
Latest news:
(december 30, ´20)
Lockdown and december holidays have provided some time to prepare some new sets:
72062 - Spanish Civil war - Nationalists part 2
72063 - French army in Vietnam
72064 - Royal Thai army 1930 - 1945
72065 - British landings at Westkapelle, november 1944
72066 - Training in Britain 1941-43 (British and Canadian vehicles)
72557 - WW-2 German turret numbers - white outlines
35034 - French army in Vietnam
35035 - Dutch YP-408 APC
35036 - British landings at Westkapelle part 1
35037 - British landings at Westkapelle part 2
35038 - British landings at Westkapelle part 3
(may 24, ´20)
We've all been affected by the global pandemic over the last months, in several ways.
I think everybody has realised that good health is a greater good than many of the trivial
things people have been arguing about over the last years. It's a pity that all of the
model shows of 2020 have been cancelled, and I truly miss seeing so many modelling
friends for a longer period, so I hope all of you are keeping well and that we'll meet again
sometime in the future in better circumstances! Stay safe!
In the meantime, I've been making a couple of new sets in our wargaming range:
72553 - Stug brigade 243
72554 - Soviet red stars
72555 - Soviet red and white tactical turret stripes 72556 - Soviet guards turret signs
(january 1, ´20)
Happy new year everyone!!
We issued some new sets last year:
72062 - Spanish Civil War - Nationalist Army part 2 72063 + 35034 - French Army in Vietnam 1945/54
and we're planning more new sets in 2020, for WW-1, WW-2 and the Cold War.
In 2020, we'll be attending the following shows: 22 feb 2020 - On Track, Folkestone UK 8 march 2020 - Twenot contest, Overloon NL
28/29 march 2020 - Euro Model Expo / ISSC, Lingen, DE 30/31 may 2020 - Concours de Maquettes, Saumur FR (to be confirmed)
3/4/5 july 2020 - World Model Show / Scale Model Challenge, Veldhoven NL
20 september 2020 - KMK, Mol BE Unfortunately, we will not be at the MAFVA Nationals, St Ives UK (june 28) this year.
(january, ´19)
We have some new sets:
72061 & 35033 - Israeli Army 1948 72546 - WW-1 British WD truck signs
72547 - Wehrmacht staff car pennants
72548 - WW-2 Italian licence plates
72549 - 31st Panzer regt of the 5th Panzer division
72550 - 7th Panzer regt of the 10th Panzer division
72551 - British 33rd armoured brigade
72552 - British 51st Highland infantry division
In 2019, we'll be attending the following shows: 23 feb 2019 - On Track, Folkestone UK 30/31 march 2019 - Euro Model Expo / ISSC, Lingen, DE 26 may 2019 - Twenot contest, Nieuw Vennep NL (to be confirmed)
(awaiting date) - Gunfire museum, Brasschaat, BE
8/9 june 2019 - Concours de Maquettes, Saumur FR (to be confirmed)
16 june 2019 - MAFVA Nationals, St Ives UK 15 september 2019 - KMK, Mol BE 19/20 oct 2019 - Scale Model Challenge, Veldhoven NL 9/10 nov 2019 - Scale Model World, Telford UK